Student sitting on the bench outside the CEHD looking at his academic materials.

GSC Travel Funding

The Graduate Student Council allocates a substantial amount of its budget each year to provide travel funding for graduate students to attend academic and professional conferences. Graduate students whose academic programs are represented in and in good standing with the GSC are eligible to apply. “Good standing” is established when an academic program has a graduate student representative who is present at each GSC general body meeting and completes the duties required of a GSC representative. 

Timeline for Applications


SemesterApplications OpenTravel Period
Spring Travel Grant ApplicationsJanuary Fund travel from January 1st to May 31st
Summer and Fall Grant ApplicationsAugustFund travel from June 1st to December 31st

Summer/Fall Applications Open August 27, 2024


Travel Grant Awards

  • Up to $200 for graduate students attending a conference or workshops (not presenting) or to attend interviews to do externships required by your degree (see below for more details).
  • Up to $350 for graduate students presenting at a conference. 

5 Easy Steps to Apply for GSC Travel Funding

Disclaimers and FAQ

  • We no longer use the TEV or T&E online system
  • The University of Louisville is required to adhere to all federal, state, and institutional guidelines. If your aid package is adjusted as a result, you will receive a notification in your university email. 
  • The Administrative Guide for the Disbursal of Research/Travel Awards can be found here.
  • The GSC's Travel Reimbursement Procedures can be found here.
  • If you have any remaining questions, please check our FAQs. If your question remains unanswered, please email