July 2024 Student Spotlight

July 1, 2024
Headshot of Jacob Owsley
Jacob Owsley is a doctoral student in the College of Education and Human Development and is a graduate teaching assistant for the Department of Health and Sport Sciences.


Q: What brought you to the University of Louisville? 

A: "I came to the University of Louisville to pursue by PhD in Sport Administration. I chose to come to Louisville instead of other institutions because of Dr. Chris Greenwell. Dr. Greenwell advises my PhD studies and has developed a tremendous track record of mentoring strong doctoral students and scholars in our field. The opportunity to work with him was simply one that I could not turn down."

Q: What is your specific area of research and why does it interest you?

A: "My area of research interest is the intersection of technology and sport. My research examines sport and entertainment ticketing, specifically ways in which service friction with digital ticketing can be reduced for fans. Additionally, my research line examines the ticket purchasing journey from a holistic-lens, focusing on what factors most influence consumer decisions to purchase their event tickets on different ticket platforms. I hope that my research can be applied to the field as ticket managers work to provide a better fan experience."

Q: What made you go into this field of study?

A: "I decided to pursue a PhD in Sport Administration because I saw firsthand how ticketing complications and issues negatively impacted the overall fan experience when I worked in the field of ticket operations. I wanted to study these issues through an academic lens and develop practical solutions for how organizations and teams could better support their fans."

Q: What does it mean to you to receive the Excellence in Teaching Award?

A: "Being this year’s recipient of the Excellence in Teaching Award is a true testament to the hard work and dedication my students put in during class. It is incredibly validating that my student-centric approach and focus on building and maintaining relationships with students was recognized by the award decision committee. I am very thankful for this recognition and hope to continue supporting the educational and professional goals of students from across the country for years to come."

Q: What has been the most valuable part of your experience as an instructor?

A: "The most valuable part of my experience as an instructor is the constructive feedback I get from students. As an instructor, you must constantly evolve and tailor your teaching to the needs of the student. Each student is unique and learns different; the ability to evolve allows you to connect with all learners. Teaching does not fit into a cookie cutter model and remembering this is important. Feedback from students allows you to know how they learn best."

 Q: What do you hope to do after earning your degree? 

A: "After earning my degree, I hope to work at a teaching institution. While research is important and can provide tremendous value, the ability to help students learn and grow is my top priority. I hope that a PhD will provide me with the opportunity to continue helping students, both at the undergraduate and graduate level." 

Q: How do you feel your teaching experience and or your graduate education will help you as you move forward?

A: "My teaching experience will help me as I move forward to better understand the needs and learning styles of our students today. The needs of college students can change every year and being adaptable will allow you to better serve your students."

Q: What accomplishment, academic or otherwise, are you most proud of?

A: "So, perhaps this may be a funny answer. But, one academic accomplishment that I am most proud of is my history of submitting assignments. Throughout my entire educational career, I have never turned an assignment in late. This is something that sticks with me – I find it important as it shows attention to detail and diligence."

Q: What has been your favorite part of the graduate school experience at UofL?

A: "My favorite part of my graduate school experience at UofL has been the friends that I have made. I know this often seems like a cliché answer, but some of my classmates in the Sport Administration major have become my best friends. We will be friends and continue to support each other for years to come."

Q: What do you feel is the greatest challenge that graduate students face and how have you dealt with this challenge?

A: "The greatest challenge that graduate students face is time management. Graduate work can be intense. When you pair the need to complete your own coursework with your research and teaching requirements, it is very easy to get overwhelmed. Prioritizing tasks, staying organized, and knowing when to ask for help are the biggest things I have done to combat this challenge."


Awards, honors, publications: 

UofL Student Champion 23’ and 24’

GTA Academy Fall 22’ and Spring 23’


Fun Facts 

A talent you have always wanted: Juggling

Favorite book: The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein

Favorite quote: “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing that about. Be kind.” – Robin Williams

Role Model: My Dad

Favorite thing to do or place to go in Louisville: Waterfront Wednesday live music

If you weren’t in graduate school, what would you be doing now? I recently accepted a position in the tennis industry working in sport education with the United States Tennis Association (USTA).