About the FWCA
The annual Future World Changers of the Academy National Conference (FWCA) is a cornerstone event for faculty, administrators, post-docs, and graduate students in higher education, offering a focused platform for professional development and academic growth. The conference aims to elevate marginalized and underrepresented experiences in academia and provide space for such experiences to be supported and celebrated. The 13th annual FWCA event will incorporate sessions dedicated to exploring themes such as leadership, career progression, personal well-being, scholar activism, and the experiences of graduate school and emerging scholars.
The Graduate School sponsors two graduate students to attend the annual Future World Changers of the Academy National Conference (FWCA). This conference is perfect for current graduate teaching assistants who want to strengthen their skills or students who are not currently teaching but are interested in a faculty position as a career.

2025 Conference
April 10 - April 13, 2025 in Arlington, VA
Student Selection
The two students selected to attend will have registration, airfare, and hotel covered (double-room occupancy). Any meals not provided by the conference will be reimbursement-eligible.

"I was so grateful to be among other women of color from different fields of study who shared similar yet different concerns in a safe space."